Monday, August 20, 2007

to do

boy am i behind!

may to do

-ebay/second hand items search: chamber pot, kerosene heater, water filter, milk tote, s/s strainer, wringer, mini fridge
-finish herbal product restock
-water garden/herb spiral
-make invites
-sew dress
-dr/bath lights installed
-dr drapes
-summer garden in (beans, corn, squash, tomatoes, peppers,etc)
-june cards
-find nubian doe

so, obviously, the wedding has come and gone. kids are back to school and jaden-bird is doing preschool at home. sagey-bear will be 1 in 2 more weeks! time flies.

dare i set goals for the rest of august? i dare!

august to-do
-find ob who has access to copper iud and can do so in a timely manner
-find doors for kia so it can be repaired
-finish ninas room
-finish unit 1 in rosetta stone (i'm halfway through lesson 7 - it goes to 10, 3 classes per lesson)
-find shelter to take clothing and stuff leftover from sale (i'm purging, i'm purging!)


  1. Congratulations! How was the wedding? Will we get to see any pictures?

  2. Hey! It's nice to have you back!!
