Friday, December 19, 2008

now with syrup and butter...

jaden set up quite a spread this morning for us, complete with silk napkins! she loves the felt food and i gave her the extra set i had.

i sewed up pats of butter and cut out sploshes of maple syrup to dress up the pancakes with...
they look good enough to eat!

as i was sewing the eggs, i recalled i had already made some for one of our friends so i made him pasta instead...fattoria is farm in italian. it was hard getting that linguini into the bag!


  1. Oh, wow-those are so, so, so cool! I love the bacon (in the spread picute it looks real!)

    You are so incredibly talented!

  2. I had never thought of this possibility for cooking toys. I must keep this in mind. Not that I can sew, but....

    The farfalle is too cool.

  3. You are so clever! I made felt produce one year for a birthday present, and they're still going strong. I never considered all the amazing stuff you've created here. Lovely.

    Happy holidays!
