Friday, September 3, 2010

my little man is 4

as my 2nd, 4th and 6th child (2nd for greg and me together, 4th for me personally and 6th between the 2 of us), you are my most challenging, most determine and most cuddly child. you give and take like there's no tomorrow and you never stop to catch your breath.

at 3 1/2 you hopped on your bicycle one day and began riding it without the help of training wheels and then 2 weeks later upgraded to a bigger bike because it was faster. you push the boundaries and force me to practice more patience than i ever thought possible.

you are tough as nails, sweet as sugar and crazy as a loon. just 2 months ago you told me of your ambition to open your brother's window on the 2nd floor, hop on his skate board and skate board off the roof. i think i successfully talked you down from that one but i'm still worried that someday you may rethink doing it again.

you've climbed trees to the top of the shed roof (about 15' high) and managed to get on top of the old milking parlor on the old barn and gleefully yelled down to your dad to show off your accomplishment.

if there are any gray hairs in my head, they all have your name on them buddy!

you are wild, feral, free and i love that about you. you can spend hours watching the fish and frogs in our water pond, lay on the floor blissfully playing with your cars or upset your older siblings by going through their belongings in their rooms finding toys and items to amuse yourself.

you like cars, frogs, planes, trains, wearing dresses and playing barbies with your sister. you play until you give out and exhausted every ounce of energy in your body.

i resisted your arrival into my life. you sucked me in with your sweetness and when i was hooked, you switched gears and came alive. may you always have that spirit and learn to use it to your advantage!

1 comment:

karisma said...

Happy Birthday Little Man! what a handsome young chappie you are! :-)

Hugs and smoochies xoxox

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