Monday, July 13, 2009

independence days - year 2 week 9-11

this year i'm feeling very challenged about gardening and everything else...too much going on and not enough time for it all! i restarted the id challenge to get me going and guilt me into being busy in ways i need to be.

want to play along? visit sharon (the creator of this great challenge) to read all about it!

running behind on these! this is weeks 9 - 11. everything is growing slowly this year. it's been cooler than normal.

1. plant something
~echinacea pallida seedlings
~nettle seed

2. harvest something:
~eggs (chicken and turkey)
~various leaves for making my morning tea: chamomile, sage, bergamot, thyme, oregano, echinacea, motherwort, dandelion, lemon balm, peppermint, spearmint, basil
~grass from the lawn to mulch plants
~flowers to make pretty bouquets for the house
~green beans

3. preserve something:

~apricot preserves

4. Reduce waste:
~use canvas bags at grocery store
~re-use egg cartons for our nest run eggs
~use plastic shopping bags for trash bags

5. Preparation and Storage:
~continued digging water pond
~mulched the plants with grass clippings
~drying garlic for storage
~purchased 3 more dairy goats

6. build community food systems:
~sold eggs, yogurt & milk to local people
~worked on august issue of herbal roots zine to teach children about using herbs medicinally and for food
~worked on willoughby farm master naturalist intern project, pulling invasives and id-ing trees
~bartered milk for produce at market
~taught a friend how to make cheese and yogurt
~taught a friend how to make soap
~monthly herbal study group was held, topic was plantain

7. eat the food:
~herbs for tea and flavoring food
~zucchini, green beans, a few tomatoes, potatoes, onions, carrots
~applesauce from last year's stash

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