opening day at market was great fun. money wise i did well and spending 4 hours away from sage was a mini holiday! that boy is tiresome. i was able to offer a variety of addition to my herbal products i also had eggs, 4 herbal jellies (violet, dandelion, lilac and peppermint) and live herb plants.
we are considering buying two navajo-churro ewes from missouri. their ears have been chewed but they are still as cute as can be. i'm waiting to hear back on what the deposit fee is. we had talked about using electranet fencing to contain them but we are also considering using hog panels. we would just need 4 and could move them daily or as needed to 'mow' our yard. as a bonus, i'd get to stop by and see karl and tabitha and crew! since they live close by. (that is if they'd want the company ;). here are some pictures of the cutey pies:

we would love your company!!
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