sunflowers basking in the late fternoon sun

pattypan just about ready

sassafras aka sassy

still unnamed


purple bergamot

fuschia bergamot

in the glow of lantern light

preparing to milk

checking out the sheep

full moon rising...my camera sucks, this moon was red and streaked by clouds
I like the story in pictures of your day.
Wasn't that moon something!
Absolutely lovely Tansy! I need to dust off my camera :~)
Wow, your place looks awesome.
Those sunflowers look so cheerful. And the volunteer is huge!
It sure was a beautiful moon last night!
Enjoyed all of your pictures. :)
Fuschia Bergamot? Is that the same as bee balm? Looks similar. I supposed if I weren't lazy I'd google it. :)
Great pictures! Thanks for sharing.
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